There are many ways to make money online from home.Affilate marketing is one of the trending ways to make money online from home in with you can earn up to this blog I am going to tell you how you can make money from Daraz affiliate marketing in Nepal.
What is affiliate marketing?
Affiliate marketing is one of the online Method of making money from home in which online shopping company pays you some percentage of profit if you reefers some products to your followers to buy through links you provide on your website or YouTube channel.
Affiliate marketing is online program run by the online shopping company like Daraz in Nepal. They Pays you some amount of profit when someone buy any products from your link.
To become a affiliate marketer you must have website or youtube channel to give products review of online shopping company.
How to make money online from. affiliate marketing in Nepal
To do affiliate marketing you some have website or youtube channel related to product review.
In Nepal is one of the best affiliate marketer where you can earn.
To earn from Daraz affiliate marketing you must write niches related blog in your website or post niche related videos in your YouTube channel related to product of Daraz then you can provide your referral links of related products.
If someone buys thought that link you will get some percentage of profit. To Earn from Daraz affiliate marketing in Nepal your must follow this steps
So,here is some steps how to earn from "Daraz affiliate marketing in Nepal "
Create a related niche blog website or YouTube channel were you want to promote.
Create about us,contact us, privacy policy, disclaimer, terms and conditions page on your blog.
Write at least 10-12 blog related to your niches or upload 10-12 video on YouTube channels.
Join Daraz affiliate program and advertise there products in your website blog or youtube channel.
Whenone someone buy there your link you will receive some percentage of profit.
How to join Daraz affiliate
Program in Nepal.
Here,i am going to tell you how you can join Daraz affiliate program in Nepal. Follow this steps to join Daraz affiliate program.
Step 1:
Search in google.
And click on daraz affiliate as in the picture below
signup today and become part of Daraz affiliate marketing in Pakistan Checkout the signup guide of daraz and starts earning money with Daraz
ReplyDeletesignup today and become part of Daraz affiliate marketing in Pakistan Checkout the signup guide of daraz and starts earning money with Daraz