There are many more methods to secure our facebook account from unrecognized logins or hackers such as.
1.make strong password
2.dont save logins in other phone not accept friend requests from. strangers
4.Enable two-Factor authentication.
5 choose trusted contact in case you lose. your account
6.check were you are loggged-in.
7.check the recent email from facebook.
8.setup login alert.
There are many more methods to secure our facebook account from unrecognized logins. But we will only talk about three of them. These are the best method to sucure our facebook account from unrecognized logins with mobile.
They are:
1.enable two-Factor authentication.
This is the most amazing methods which I personally like it. You can enable two-factor authentication in your facebook account.if this setting is enabled you can instantly receive a code if some try to login into your account. You can enable this by following these steps.
- Step Open faceboobk app.
- Step tap to three dots
- Step tap to 'settings'.
- Step tap to 'security and login'.
- Step tap to 'use two-Factor authentication'.
2.setup login alert.
This is also a effective methods to secure our facebook account from unrecognized logins. Login Alert send you an alert notifications or email or massage when someone logs into your account from unrecognized logins location. If you get a login alert and you weren't the one that logged in, check or tap the the wasn't me link to recover your account immediately. To enable this follow the steps
- Step Open faceboobk app.
- Step click on tree dots above.
- Step tap on 'setting'.
- Tap on 'security and login'.
- Tap on 'get alert by unrecognized logins'.
By choosing 3 to 5 contact trusted contact of your friends or family helps in case you lose your account by receiving code and URL from facebook to log back in.
Follow this steps to on this setting.
- Open faceboobk app
- Tap on three dots above .
- Tab 'setting'
- Tab to 'security and login' and
- Tab to 'choose 3 to 5 friends to contact if you get Locked out'
These were the best method to secure our facebook account from unrecognized logins or hackers with mobile.
Do use these methods to secure your facebook account from unrecognized logins and save your privacy and personal chats information from unrecognized hackers.